Read each question carefully and answer completely.
Question 1: Explain how reproduction by baeocyte formation occurs (note: this is a type of multiple fission).
Question 2: Describe reproduction by budding. How does budding differ from binary fission?
Question 3: Describe how bacteria in the genus Streptomyces reproduce.
Question 4: What are the two components of the bacterial cell cycle?
Question 5: Describe the steps in the cell cycle of an individual bacterium that reproduces by binary fission. (If you use drawings in your answer, be sure to label them.)
Question 6: What is the name of the cross wall that forms between two daughter cells during cell division?
Question 7: FtsZ has multiple roles in the process of cell division. What are they?
Question 8: What is the function of the cell division proteins FtsA?
Question 9: What Fts proteins synthesize the peptidoglycan in the cell septum during division?
Question 10: FtsK is an essential protein in many bacteria. However, in Escherichia aggie mutants that make a mutant FtsK protein with decreased activity are viable, but approximately 0.1% of the cells in the population do not have a chromosome. Explain why reduced FtsK activity causes this phenotype.
Any help would be greatly appreciated!