
Explain how organisations use information - discuss the

Edexcel BTEC Level 

National Extended Diploma in IT (Software Development) Unit:

Information Systems Assignment:

Assessment 1 - Examining organisations and structures Assessment Criteria addressed in this assignment Pass (To achieve a Pass for the unit you must achieve all Pass criteria in all assignments)

- P1 explain how organisations use information

- P2 discuss the characteristics of good information

- P3 explain the issues related to the use of information Merit (To achieve a Merit for the unit you must achieve all Pass AND Merit criteria in all assignments )

- M1 illustrate the information flow between different functional areas o M2 assess how issues related to the use of information affect an organisation Distinction (To achieve a Distinction for the unit you must achieve all Pass, Merit AND Distinction criteria in all assignments )

- D1 explain how an organisation could improve the quality of its business information I state that all work submitted for this assignment is my own. I agree that any copying of another student's work or other direct plagiarism from the secondary is a serious offence. I agree that breaching the rules will lead to a fail grade on the assignment, a fail on the unit or having to leave the course. I will not give my work to other students.

Purpose: the purpose of this assignment is to provide a framework within which the learner can understand how organisations use business information (purpose) Scenario You are the newly recruited assistant supervisor in the Information Systems department for a nationwide restaurant chain called Wonderland. The company employs 300 staff at various levels.

Your Head of Department has asked you to prepare a report for the company on how they could develop and benefit from advanced Management Information Systems. The company already has systems to run the day-to-day business but they are not coordinated and have little to help them with decision-making throughout the company.

The company has a powerful till (electronic point of sale) system, a purchase order system for ordering goods and services from their suppliers then delivering them to their outlets, also the usual administrative systems such as human resources, payroll also finance. Each system is run independently from the others but information and data are shared on a regular basis.

The till system works independently in each store and each night every store transmits details of that day's sales to head office. This is done before the stores are closed. The rest of the company's systems are run at head office. Personnel data and hours worked for payroll are entered at each store directly into the head office system.

Task 1

1. Start your report to describe the existing Wonderland's system and what information may be used for Identify the systems (functional areas/departments) in the Wonderland scenario For each system explain the purpose of information

2. In your report, there should be an explanation/illustration of the information flow between departments

3. Add a diagram that illustrates the flow of information between departments and a brief explanation

4. In your report, explain the characteristics of good information Explain what the characteristics of good information are Explain what makes good information e.g. reliable because the data was This provides evidence for task 1

Task 2

5. In your report, there should be an explanation of the issues related to the use of information Explain the issues regarding the use of IT and relate your answers to Wonderland

6. In your report, you are to explain how issues related to the use of information affect Wonderland operational procedures. In this section, you are to highlight the issues related to information (Data) in this organisation.

Explain how the issues affect operational procedures carried out by Wonderland e.g. backups, trained personnel.

7. Recommend and justify improvements that could be made to the quality of its business information You must recommend and justify improvements to the system (operational and technical) that will improve the quality of business information.

Unit 3 Information Systems Activity/Assessment Title: Wonderland Restaurant To achieve a PASS your work must show:

Ref Criteria Yes No Action Plan / Feedback / Advice / Details & Comments Date Resubmission Target Dates

P1 Explain how organisations use information Descriptions of existing system and purpose (Report) Assessors Initials: Ref Criteria Yes No Action Plan / Feedback / Advice / Details & Comments Date Resubmission Target Dates

P2 Discuss the characteristics of good information Explain the characteristics of good information e.g. reliable, timely etc. Assessors Initials:

To achieve a PASS your work must show: Ref Criteria Yes No Action Plan / Feedback / Advice / Details & Comments Date Resubmission Target Dates P3 Explain the issues related to the use of information In your report there should be an explanation on the issues related to the use of information (legal, ethical, operational)

Assessors Initials: To achieve a MERIT your work must show: Ref Criteria Yes No Action Plan / Feedback / Advice / Details & Comments Date Resubmission Target Dates M1 Illustrate the information flow between different functional areas

Your illustrations must have a detailed Description of how these systems might link together and how this information might flow across departments Assessors Initials: Ref Criteria Yes No Action Plan / Feedback / Advice / Details & Comments Date Resubmission Target Dates M2 Assess how issues related to the use of information affect an organisation

In this section you are to highlight the issues related to information (data) and how they are dealt with To achieve a MERIT your work must show:

To achieve a DISTINCTION your work must show: Ref Criteria Yes No Action Plan / Feedback / Advice / Details & Comments Date Resubmission

Target Dates D1 Explain how an organisation could improve the quality of its business information Recommend and justify improvements that could be made to the quality of its business information Recommend and justify improvements that could be made to the quality of its business information Assessors Initials:

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Management Information Sys: Explain how organisations use information - discuss the
Reference No:- TGS01665600

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