
Explain how organisational culture can be a benefit or a

Organisational Culture and Change

In this module we will analyse organisational culture and explore the ways that it influences organisational behaviour, in both positive and negative ways. We will then explore how to change an organisation's culture and ways to manage resistance to organisational culture change.

Module Intended Learning Outcomes (ILOs)

By the end of this module you should be able to:

1. Explain how organisational culture can be a benefit or a liability to an organisation.

2. Analyse an organisation's culture using the cultural web.

3. Identify the forces for organisational change.

4. Identify sources of resistance to an organisational change and apply appropriate techniques to reduce the resistance.

5. Apply Kotter's model of change management to analyse elements of effective or ineffective change leadership.

Research and References

You are expected to take a scholarly approach and should incorporate relevant organisational behaviour theory and research. Your group is expected to read and use information froma minimum of 15 academic research articles other than the research sources provided in class. Academic research articles refer to articles published in academic, peer-reviewed journal articles. The academic research articles should be relevant to the topic, contemporary (i.e., published in the last 5 years) and of high quality (i.e., published in journals ranked by the Australian Business Dean's Council or Australian Research Council as A*, A, or B).

You are encouraged to use additional high quality sources beyond the minimum requirement. For example, you may want to refer to additional journal articles, book chapters, industry surveys, reputable websites and practitioner publications. Note that Wikipedia and similar sources are not acceptable for this assignment. Tips for finding appropriate references will be posted on the LMS and further assistance is available from the teaching staff and the library.

Citeall sources in the main text of the document and include a separate reference page at the end of the document. The in-text citations and references should be formatted using either the current version of the Harvard style or APA 6th edition. Refer to the tips on applying these styles in the Assessments module of this LMS site. It is important to maintain consistency of the reference style you have chosen.

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Business Management: Explain how organisational culture can be a benefit or a
Reference No:- TGS02350948

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