
Explain how multi-factor authentication can greatly reduce


1) phishing attacks are one of the primary attack vectors for identity thieves to obtain access to a trove of identity data. What are the anti-phishing measures you consider the most beneficial for implementation within the business environment?

Please state your reasoning for your proposed measures. (Please give at least one citation.

2) Explain how multi-factor authentication can greatly reduce security breaches in high security situations such as bank accounts and other secure online services which contain your social security number on file.

Which forms of multi-factor authentication would provide a combination of the best security yet relative simplicity for the end-user? (Please give at least one citation.

3) When vulnerabilities are discovered in critical system software, the software publisher will usually provide a patch for the software, given the software isn't end-of-life. We know that many companies choose not to apply these patches and hotfixes as they arrive.

From a software publisher's standpoint, what security measures can be implemented to ensure the software consumers' safety in the event of an exposed vulnerability? Is there any downside to such measures? (Please give at least one citation.

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Operation Management: Explain how multi-factor authentication can greatly reduce
Reference No:- TGS02922019

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