
Explain how long you should conduct the electroplating

Suppose you are working for a company that sells silver-plated dinnerware. As the company's head electrochemist, you have been instructed by your superiors to us $0.20 worth of silver in plating each knife, fork and spoon. The utensil (made with Fe) is the electrode suspended in a solution of Ag+ in the silver-plating process. Silver is then plated out on the Fe when a negative potential is applied to the utensil making this part of the cell the cathode.

1. Discuss how much silver in grams should be plated on each utensil?

2. Explain how long you should conduct the electroplating to ensure that no more than 20 cents of silver is used if the average current for each utensil is 2.00A.

3. Determine the mass percent of silver if an average silver plated knife has a mass of 75 g.

4. What would be the value of silver alone in knife consisting of 100% silver?

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Chemistry: Explain how long you should conduct the electroplating
Reference No:- TGS0868715

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