
Explain how human development greatly influences human

Assignment -


  • Explain how human development greatly influences human behavior including biological, psychological, and social influences.
  • Identify a variety of human developmental theories and how to relate them to behavioral changes.
  • Detect changing paradigms and to investigate the impact of social and environmental factors on individual development and vice versa
  • Acquire the knowledge of theories about the development and behavior of individuals, families, groups, institutions, organizations, and communities.
  • Integrate the interactions of these systems with and among one another in larger socio-cultural environments.
  • Identify the need to involve the social work system in directing those factors toward incremental client benefits.
  • Recognize the remarkable ability of the human species to negotiate change.
  • Identify the role of the social worker in negotiating those changes with special attention given to the impact of human diversity, discrimination, and oppression on the individual's ability to reach or maintain optimal health and wellbeing.

Reflective Journal Assignment - The purpose of the Reflective journal Assignment is to help you think deeply about your learning, especially on issues such as: your progress in learning, understanding of course content, the difficulties you may encounter in the process of learning, strategies you have taken to get around those difficulties.

What can you get from writing a reflective journal?

Writing a reflective journal helps you: bring together theory to practice and yield a better understanding of the readings.

The reflective journal IS NOT a blow-by-blow account of your daily activities unless you are applying it to the readings.

Current Event Assignment - The purpose of the current events assignment is to have you select from the text book reading a concept that stuck out to you and apply it to an event that is taking place in our world today. You can select a current event that you have read about or heard about in the news (does not have to be related to higher education] however you must apply the textbook readings (past or current). For example, the issue of life transitions is one that is of great interest to me and is presented in Chapter 1 (p. 44-46). If I were doing the assignment, I would write on the topic of Adults and transitions in Late Adulthood and apply it to adult learners and their multiple identities. I would highlight what the text says about transitions and find an article from a journal, the Chronicle of Higher Education, Community College Times, American Association of Community Colleges (AACC), any association you belong to, or popular culture (newspaper, magazine [Time, Newsweek, Huffington Post, National Geographic, etc.] that would either support or dispute the argument that adult learners are intentional about their learning, the reasons they return to school, the impact of their return to higher education (if any). Feel free to infuse your opinion however, you must back it up!

There are so many national, international and local issues taking place now and I want us to be aware that human behavior is complex and can sometimes leave us scratching our heads in wonderment and confusion!

Short Answer Assignment - The purpose of the Short Answer Assignment is to ensure a full grasp of the major concepts within each unit. For example, in Unit 6/Chapter 11 (Middle Adulthood) one of the major concepts of the chapter is the major changes that can take place in an individual during this time. Let's use the concept of retirement as an example.

INSTRUCTIONS for Short Answer Assignment: Please follow the example provided closely and follow the format.

A question I could ask you is as follows:

What are a few of the reasons that individuals in middle adulthood are unable to retire? Explain how the impact of the stock market, social influences and family have led to delaying retirement for those in middle adulthood.

SHORT ANSWER QUESTION - Unit 2 is full of rich information that can be applied in many areas of our lives. One of my favorite theories is presented in Chapter 4 (Bronfenbrenner's ecological model, pg. 144). I believe it is one of the theories that can be applied to (almost) any situation that impacts an individual's social and emotional adjustment.

Apply Bronfenbrenner's Ecological Systems Theory model to the following scenarios: I remember as a little girl living in a tenement in Brooklyn (NY) but we were very much a community....an extended family, so to speak. We knew everyone in our building and watched out for one another-or at least the adults watched out for us kids. You may have had a similar experience whether you grew up in a suburb or a subdivision. Based on the multiple levels of Bronfenbrenner's Ecological Systems Theory (micro, meso, exo, macro and chrono), what do you believe has led to the isolation and loneliness experienced by people these days.

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Dissertation: Explain how human development greatly influences human
Reference No:- TGS02811861

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