
Explain how germany or denmark has sought to have both some

Write an essay of maximum 2,000 words on ONE of the following question.

Remember to use the lecture notes, seminar materials and readings provided as your starting point for the essay plan. Do not begin with a web search.

1 Select TWO of the following aspects of flexicurity- ONE from each list

List A:

unreliable contracts or atypical work arrangements,
undeclared work/ unstable employment
comprehensive lifelong learning strategies,

List B:

effective active labour market policies, ALMPs
modern, adequate and sustainable social protection systems
child care

and explain how these are important for the flexicurity principles and how states seek to put these into action through the pathways. Give examples.

2 Explain how Germany OR Denmark has sought to have both some elements of security and flexibility in their labour markets. How far have these policies implemented the EUs principles of flexicurity? Consider if these approaches been successful for business and for the workforce with special focus upon young workers? Explain how wage stagnation and the mini-jobs have affected this picture in your chosen country.

3 Continental Europe often seeks to combine flexibility with security in its relations with the workforce via a range of measures one of which is flexicurity. What is flexicurity? Explore its meaning, principles, measures and pathways explaining what the governments of the European Union are seeking to achieve. Explain how this policy now seems seriously threatened by the Ruffert, Viking, Laval and Luxembourg decisions of the European Court of Justice.

General guidance:

Remember to use the readings and articles provided along with your lecture notes, seminar materials provided as your starting point for the essay plan. Do not start by searching the web. Make a ONE page plan for discussion with the lecturer.

See the guidance on constructing an essay. Remember an essay is a discussion of relevant points facts and argument and not a one sided assertion of your favoured "truth".

Make a ONE page essay plan and discuss it in the last class - date to be confirmed.

You may make appropriate references to examples from other EU member states.

You must properly reference all your sources and include in quotation marks anything taken from another writer giving the name and page.

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Macroeconomics: Explain how germany or denmark has sought to have both some
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