
Explain how ethnocentrism and racism may influence the case

Assignment 1: Journal Entry-Social Workers and the LGBTQ Population

The LGBTQ community continues to experience incidences of prejudice and bias. Not only are these prejudices exemplified in interpersonal interactions through slurs and violent acts but also in the policies maintained in social work agencies and institutions. On June 26, 2015, the United States Supreme Court extended marriage rights to same-sex partner

Since this ruling, the federal government has extended all federal and military/veteran benefits to married same-sex couples. Despite this progress, states continue to debate laws and policies that would legalize forms of discrimination toward LGBTQ individuals. Advocacy organizations, such as the Human Rights Campaign, provide policy maps showing the different rights provided in different states. Social workers are expected to fight to eliminate these inequalities throughout communities, programs, and institutions.

To prepare: Consider the following statement:

NASW encourages the adoption of laws that recognize inheritance, insurance, same-sex marriage, child custody, property, and other rights in lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender relationships.

The Association firmly believes that all federal protections and responsibilities available to legally married people in the United States should be available to people who enter same sex unions (including domestic partnerships, civil unions, and same sex marriages).Submit your reaction to this statement of the National Association of Social Workers (NASW). Describe what you think is the role of social workers in equal rights and access to LGBTQ populations.

Assignment 2: Journal Entry-Advocacy, Internationally

Throughout the world, members of the LGBTQ community continue to struggle for their rights. In some countries, they have made some progress.

In 2016, 20 countries legally recognized marriage for same-sex couples (Human Rights Campaign, 2016). However, in other countries, the LGBTQ community faces much greater obstacles, and the consequences of fighting for basic rights are grave for both LGBTQ individuals and allies. Being gay is a crime punishable by death in 10 countries and is illegal in a total of 73 countries (Human Rights Campaign, 2016).

Because of the violence and social exclusion experienced globally, LGBTQ individuals may seek refugee status because of their sexual orientation or gender identity/expression (UN High Commissioner for Refugees [UNHCR], 2016).To prepare: Read the United Nations Address on Global LGBT Rights by Hilary Clinton.

Assignment: Journal Entry-Intersection and Religious Discrimination

When pieces of cloth are sewn together, you might have trouble discerning the individual pieces of cloth that make the final garment, but by looking carefully, you can find the seams. You may have experienced similar difficulty in the first week of this course when asked to explore the individual aspects of culture that combine to create your unique self-identity.

Forms of oppression can come together often in almost imperceptible ways to form the complex environment in which you and your clients live and interact. As a social worker, you must examine carefully the intersections between religious discrimination, sexism, classism, and racism so you can respond accordingly.

To prepare: Consider this week's resources that describe how religion intersects with other forms of oppression.

Assignment: Connecting Knowledge and Research

In order to provide the appropriate intervention, social workers first need to have conducted a thorough assessment. Having a comprehensive understanding of a client and their social environment, including the influence of racism and ethnocentrism, allows a social worker to accurately identify the presenting problems and help the client develop goals to address their needs.

Not completing a full assessment may result in inaccurately identifying the presenting problem and pushing goals on the client to which they do not agree. A good assessment is the best foundation for treatment planning.

In addition, evidence based practice requires social workers to use the best available evidence to inform their practice decisions. This assignment helps you prepare for the final project by beginning to identify the presenting problem and possible goals, as well as beginning the research process to inform your treatment recommendations when working with the identified client in a case study.

To prepare: Conduct research in the Walden library to locate at least 1 peer-reviewed scholarly resource(s) that could inform your assessment or intervention with the case you plan to use in your final project.

Submit a 2-3 page paper in which you:

Identify the case you will be using for the final project

Describe the presenting problem(s)

Describe 2 goals for the client based on their presenting problem

Identify a specific peer-reviewed article and explain how it could inform understanding of the problem/population, development of goals, or intervention and treatment plan

Explain how ethnocentrism and racism may influence the case (make sure to draw from this week's assigned readings)

Assignment 1: Journal Entry-Social Workers and the LGBTQ Population

The LGBTQ community continues to experience incidences of prejudice and bias.

Not only are these prejudices exemplified in interpersonal interactions through slurs and violent acts but also in the policies maintained in social work agencies and institutions. On June 26, 2015, the United States Supreme Court extended marriage rights to same-sex partners. Since this ruling, the federal government has extended all federal and military/veteran benefits to married same-sex couples.

Despite this progress, states continue to debate laws and policies that would legalize forms of discrimination toward LGBTQ individuals. Advocacy organizations, such as the Human Rights Campaign, provide policy maps showing the different rights provided in different states. Social workers are expected to fight to eliminate these inequalities throughout communities, programs, and institutions.

To prepare: Consider the following statement:

NASW encourages the adoption of laws that recognize inheritance, insurance, same-sex marriage, child custody, property, and other rights in lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender relationships. The Association firmly believes that all federal protections and responsibilities available to legally married people in the United States should be available to people who enter same sex unions (including domestic partnerships, civil unions, and same sex marriages).

Submit your reaction to this statement of the National Association of Social Workers (NASW). Describe what you think is the role of social workers in equal rights and access to LGBTQ populations.

Assignment 2: Journal Entry-Advocacy, Internationally

Throughout the world, members of the LGBTQ community continue to struggle for their rights. In some countries, they have made some progress. In 2016, 20 countries legally recognized marriage for same-sex couples (Human Rights Campaign, 2016).

However, in other countries, the LGBTQ community faces much greater obstacles, and the consequences of fighting for basic rights are grave for both LGBTQ individuals and allies. Being gay is a crime punishable by death in 10 countries and is illegal in a total of 73 countries (Human Rights Campaign, 2016).

Because of the violence and social exclusion experienced globally, LGBTQ individuals may seek refugee status because of their sexual orientation or gender identity/expression (UN High Commissioner for Refugees [UNHCR], 2016).To prepare: Read the United Nations Address on Global LGBT Rights by Hilary Clinton.

Assignment: Journal Entry-Intersection and Religious Discrimination

When pieces of cloth are sewn together, you might have trouble discerning the individual pieces of cloth that make the final garment, but by looking carefully, you can find the seams. You may have experienced similar difficulty in the first week of this course when asked to explore the individual aspects of culture that combine to create your unique self-identity.

Forms of oppression can come together often in almost imperceptible ways to form the complex environment in which you and your clients live and interact. As a social worker, you must examine carefully the intersections between religious discrimination, sexism, classism, and racism so you can respond accordingly.

To prepare: Consider this week's resources that describe how religion intersects with other forms of oppression.

Assignment: Connecting Knowledge and Research

In order to provide the appropriate intervention, social workers first need to have conducted a thorough assessment. Having a comprehensive understanding of a client and their social environment, including the influence of racism and ethnocentrism, allows a social worker to accurately identify the presenting problems and help the client develop goals to address their needs.

Not completing a full assessment may result in inaccurately identifying the presenting problem and pushing goals on the client to which they do not agree. A good assessment is the best foundation for treatment planning.

In addition, evidence based practice requires social workers to use the best available evidence to inform their practice decisions. This assignment helps you prepare for the final project by beginning to identify the presenting problem and possible goals, as well as beginning the research process to inform your treatment recommendations when working with the identified client in a case study.

To prepare: Conduct research in the Walden library to locate at least 1 peer-reviewed scholarly resource(s) that could inform your assessment or intervention with the case you plan to use in your final project.

Submit a 2-3 page paper in which you:

Identify the case you will be using for the final project

Describe the presenting problem(s)

Describe 2 goals for the client based on their presenting problem

Identify a specific peer-reviewed article and explain how it could inform understanding of the problem/population, development of goals, or intervention and treatment plan

Explain how ethnocentrism and racism may influence the case (make sure to draw from this week's assigned readings)

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Dissertation: Explain how ethnocentrism and racism may influence the case
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