
Explain how each step contributes to the control function


Analyze how the four steps of the control process and explain how each step contributes to the control function. Describe the three types of controls. How can the effectiveness of controls be assessed in an organization? Is this assessment different for a global organization? Guided Response: In your response, please include detailed information on the four steps of the control process. Also, review the content on budgets and properly incorporate it into your response. Respond to two of your classmates' posts. Analyze their discussions by agreeing, disagreeing, or adding other ideas to strengthen or enhance the perspective presented in their initial posts.


The first step of the control process involves creating guidelines for the organization that will be used to reach company goals, which can include setting customer satisfaction and performance quotas for staff members to reach each day. Evaluating production is the second step of the control process which involves determining how much sales are made each day, how many products got returned along with customer complaints and how many consumers were satisfied. Performance is also measured with workers in regards to their attendance, work completion and quality. Daily metrics are then compared to company standards, which will let staff know what quotas were reached and missed. The last step of the control process involves management contemplating whether to keep metric goals the same or raising them if colleagues were close to target goals or they exceeded them. If staff members failed to reach company goals by a large margin, upper management may decide to lower their performance standards where it will be reasonable for staff to reach. For instance, if a local bakery sets sales quota for 5000 a week and workers only reach 2200, management will revise their metrics and reset weekly profits to 3000. The bureaucratic control gives worker instruction through rules and regulations, and not allowing employees to have input. This type of control can be used to prevent conflicts in the workplace when workers want to resist change. In my opinion, the bureaucratic control can only be effective in a low skilled working environment. The clan control is colleague friendly work environment because it allows employees to use upward communication to management. It also benefits the organization by allowing upper management to make better decisions about strategic goals because they know what changes need to be made in production by way of allowing feedback. The screening control is used by organizations to make sure metrics are consistently reached. "Delegating authority gives managers the power to use both financial (pay raises and promotions or demotions) and nonfinancial (praise or verbal reprimand) incentives to carry out screening control" (Bierman, Ferrell, O. C., & Ferrell, L., 2016, p. 15.3). Employees will put forth best effort in to their work along with collaborate with each other if they are getting extra incentives. References Bierman, L., Ferrell, O. C., & Ferrell, L. (2016). Management: Principles and applications, custom edition.


The four steps of the control process are: establishing performance standards, measuring performance, comparing the performance against standards, and evaluating and corrective action (Bierman, Ferrell, & Ferrell, 2016). The control process is similar to a company or department's quality measurement guidelines. In a hospitals radiology department, performance standards are dictated by the American Registry of Radiologic Technologists, OSHA, the Joint Commission, the state licensing organizations, the FDA and other governmental and insurance organizations. Each licensing body creates performance guidelines and determines ways this can be measured to assure the desired performance is reached. The next step is comparing the performance achieved against developed standards. The Joint Commission provides hospitals information from patient surveys that tells management where their hospital scored in comparison to other hospitals and departments in the nation. If leadership realizes there are areas which need improvement, they begin the process of change. Bierman, L., Ferrell, O. C., & Ferrell, L. (2016). Management: Principles and applications, custom edition [Electronic version]. Solon, OH: Academic Media Solutions.

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Business Management: Explain how each step contributes to the control function
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