Explain how each involves a fallacy

Assignment task:

Each of the following involves one of these fallacies, "Begging the Question", "Fallacy of Total Evidence", and "Fallacy of Equivocation". Explain how each involves a fallacy, and if possible, make up some new information that could remove the fallacy.

1. I don't see how you can say you're an ethical person. It's so hard to get you to do anything; your work ethic is so bad.

2. Philosophy is supposed to stand on neutral ground. But most philosophers argue for very definite conclusions. This is hardly standing on neutral ground. Shouldn't we conclude that most philosophers aren't doing philosophy?

3. There seems to be decreasing respect for religion and faith in Almighty God in our country. Those who shirk religion and deny God's very existence will surely regret that choice when they face their Creator on Judgment Day.

4. Abortion is necessary to treat ectopic pregnancy. Those who want to restrict abortion would leave ectopic pregnancies without treatment and risk women's lives.

5. Rhonda looks suspicious, so she must have stolen something.

6. Sarah was put in classes for the exceptional student. But, I discovered that despite her age she could hardly read. Surely she was put in these classes by error.

7. My plants are wilting. They must not be getting enough water.

8. Public education indoctrinates students by teaching all students to accept the same ideas. So, we must move to a private school model in which each school can focus on teaching its own values.

9. The laws imply lawgivers. There are laws in nature. Therefore there must be a cosmic lawgiver.

10. Average temperatures have gone up over the last two years. That's proof that global warming is happening.

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