
Explain how does this passage in genesis relate to genetics

Explain how does this passage in Genesis relate to genetics? in terms of allele frequencies or recombination..dominant trait..etc!

Go through your whole flock today and remove from it every dark animal among the sheep and every spotted or speckled one among the goats.

In the future, whenever you find these wages of mine, let my honesty testify against me: any animal in my possession that is not a speckled or spotted goat, or a dark sheep, got there by theft!"

"Very well," agreed Laban. "Let it be as you say."

12That same day Laban removed the streaked and spotted he-goats and all the speckled and spotted she-goats, all those with some whiteon them, as well as the fully dark-colored sheep; these he left. .. in charge of his sons.

Then he put a three days' journey between himself and Jacob, while Jacob continued to pasture the rest of Laban's flock.

Jacob, however, got some fresh shoots of poplar, almond and plane trees, and he made white stripes in them by peeling off the bark down to the white core of the shoots.

The rods that he had thus peeled he then set upright in the watering troughs, so that they would be in front of the animals that drank from the troughs. When the animals were in heat as they came to drink,

13the goats mated by the rods, and so they brought forth streaked, speckled and spotted kids.

The sheep, on the other hand, Jacob kept apart, and he set these animals to face the streaked or fully dark-colored animals of Laban. Thus he produced special flocks of his own, which he did not put with Laban's flock.

Moreover, whenever the hardier animals were in heat, Jacob would set the rods in the troughs in full view of these animals, so that they mated by the rods; but with the weaker animals he would not put the rods there. Soothe feeble animals would go to Laban, but the sturdy ones to Jacob.

Thus the man grew increasingly prosperous, and he came to own not only large flocks but also male and female servants and camels and asses

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English: Explain how does this passage in genesis relate to genetics
Reference No:- TGS0913340

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