Explain how does the oxidation number change for the copper

Is copper the reducing or oxidizing agent in this step? How does the oxidation number change for copper in step one?

1) RCH(OH)COR + 2 Cu(OAc)2 https://s3.amazonaws.com/answer-board-image/b3a109f165c5f63befc3972fc50a36b4.jpg-----> RCOCOR + 2 CuOAc + 2 AcOH

Explain how does the oxidation number change for the copper in step two? And is copper the reducing or oxidizing agent in this step?

2) 2 CuOAc + NH4NO3 + AcOH-----> 2 Cu(OAc)2 +NH4NO2 + H2O

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Chemistry: Explain how does the oxidation number change for the copper
Reference No:- TGS0857830

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