
Explain how do you represent 1-to-1 11 and 1-to-many

Question 1:

Discuss the major principles for User Interface Design?

Question 2 :

What are three main steps associated with building the (ERD), list these three steps?

Explain how do you represent, 1-to-1 (1:1), and 1-to-many relationship (1:N) and many-to-many relationship (M:N) ?

Question 3 :

Case Study: describe using ERD diagram how the university can manage Building, Classroom, Course, students, and Instructors, each of which is a table that is drawn indicating Primary Key, and Foreign key. Then explains how the university can add a new course without conflicting with others courses' time and classroom.

Notice: the relation between Course and Student is m-to-m because a Student may have more than one Course has more than one student.
Draw the ED-D using crows-feet notation. Show the entities and relationships between entities (Building, Classroom, Course, student, Instructor). Indicate the PK primary key, and FK foreign key in each table)

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Computer Engineering: Explain how do you represent 1-to-1 11 and 1-to-many
Reference No:- TGS02909454

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