
Explain how culture may influence the variables


Case Study

Jean Davis is a 19-year-old woman who is experiencing difficulties in college. She moved out of the dorm because she thought other students were out to ruin her life. Her former roommate said that Jean would stay up all night reading the Bible and laughing inappropriately. Jean claims that other students in the dorm were jealous of her because of her special powers. She will not tell anyone what these powers are; when asked, she just smiles strangely. Her mother recently learned that Jean stopped attending classes. Whenever the mother talks to her, Jean tells her that she needs to prepare because the end is near. Jean told the social worker that God speaks to her all the time, telling her that she needs to be prepared. But Jean says that she cannot tell anyone what she is preparing for. Her mother is frightened because this is not like the Jean she previously knew. She is concerned because Jean is not eating and is disturbing her neighbors, who have complained about hearing Jean pace the floor of her apartment throughout the night.

1) Write down any information related to biophysical and psychological well-being

2) Explain how culture may influence these variables

3) Explain what you think is the most significant biophysical issue or problem the client is dealing with.

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Reference No:- TGS03292613

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