Your grade is based on how well you demonstrate that you understand the theory, concepts, and terminology. If you do not apply the relevant terminology appropriately your grade will be lower.
Directions: It is imperative that you number your responses to coincide with the question number. Do not change the order. Do not write the questions on your submission. Simply number the responses.
These are the only acceptable file types. The paper must be submitted as an attachment through the Assignment tool. Only papers submitted correctly will be graded.
The first case is a video case. The case can be found in the Supplements.
Constructivism Case - Watch the video
Constructivism Questions
1. Where did Suzanne (dark haired girl) get the idea that the beam would balance if the number of tiles on each side of the fulcrum were equal?
2. Did Suzanne's thinking better illustrate cognitive constructivism or social constructivism? Why? (No fence sitting)
3. Why do you suppose Molly and Drexel "got it" during the lesson, but Suzanne and Tad didn't?
4. Suzanne and Tad gradually got it during the interview. Is this an example of cognitive or social constructivism? Explain your answer (No fence sitting)
5. Explain how cognitive apprenticeship was illustrated in the interview.
Behaviorism Case
Mr. Washington has a close knit group of friends in one of his high school vocational education classes. He is concerned about one particular student in this group, a girl named Helen. Helen uses obscene language in class. She is rude and disrespectful to Mr. Washington. She taunts and insults classmates outside her own circle of friends. And she is physically aggressive toward school property - she defaces furniture, kicks equipment, punches walls, and so on.
At first Mr. Washington tries to ignore Helen's hostile and aggressive behaviors, but this strategy doesn't lead to any improvement in her behavior. He then tries praising Helen on those rare occasions when she does behave appropriately, but this strategy doesn't seem to work either.
Behaviorism Questions
6. In behaviorist terminology (chapter 6), what is Mr. Washington trying to do when he ignores Helen's inappropriate behavior?
7. Provide one reason why this approach is not successful.
8. In behaviorist terminology, what is Mr. Washington trying to do when he praises Helen's appropriate behavior?
9. Provide one reason why this approach was unsuccessful.
10. Innumerable research studies indicate that behaviorist principles can be effective in bringing about significant improvements in students' classroom behavior, yet neither of Mr. Washington's strategies has an effect on Helen's classroom behavior. How might you use behaviorist learning principles to bring about a behavior change in Helen? Be specific about what you would do.
Diversity Case
February is Black History Month. Every year, Hopkins High School uses this as an opportunity to celebrate African American culture. Inspirational speakers are brought in for at least two assemblies. Brief historical facts regarding African Americans are incorporated into the daily announcements. Classes in all content areas focus on the contributions of African Americans. Students create projects that further explore African American culture. For example, students in "Foods" classes re-create traditional African and African American dishes. Art students create pieces that mimic African art or reflect African American culture. At the end of the month, an African American culture fair is held to showcase student projects.
In the past, this has been an exciting time of year for students-a welcome break from the tedium of the regular curriculum. However, this year things appear to be different. Recent restructuring of the district has resulted in greater ethnic diversity in the student population. Overall, this has been a positive thing. However, February is approaching and some students and parents are grumbling about the celebration of Black History Month. In fact, a group of students and parents is complaining to the school board about this practice at tonight's meeting.
During the opportunity for citizens to address the school board, people speak for and against the celebration.
Several parents and students speak in support of Hopkins High's celebration, pointing out the dearth of African Americans discussed in the regular curriculum and how important it is that all students be aware of the contributions African Americans have made. In addition, many students discuss how much they enjoy February because of this celebration.
However, other people dissent.
"If we are going to celebrate Black History Month, then I think we should celebrate Mexican-American History Month, too."
"I'm Portuguese; I think we deserve a month, too. After all, if it hadn't been for Portuguese explorers, where would we be today?"
"Well, I'm Irish, and the Irish have certainly made major contributions both to American culture and to our community. Why isn't there an Irish History Month?"
"What about us Chinese? Without us, where would the rail system be?"
"Yeah, and how about Japanese Americans? Why should our kids celebrate Black History Month, when the only thing about us in the history books is negative? They don't even mention the internment camps during World War II. This is insane."
The board carefully considers the comments. They later tell those in attendance that they will not address the issue, as it is a decision that must be made by the faculty at Hopkins High, not one to be made by the school board. The principal does not want to make this decision alone, so she establishes a committee to discuss what to do.
Diversity Questions
11. Identify 2 issues in this case?
12. What do you think of Hopkins High School's celebration of Black History Month? Why?
13. Given what students and parents have had to say about the issue, should they continue the practice? Why or why not?
14. What could be done to ensure that all ethnic groups feel represented in the curriculum?