
Explain how code can affect communication

Complete ONE of the following options: Option 1: Personal ethical code Values appraisal  Include the following:

Based on your results, develop a statement explaining your personal ethical code.

 Describe how you can apply this code in an organization in which you operate.

Explain how this code can affect communication interactions and decision making. Option 2: Ethical dilemmas Choose one of the ethical dilemmas on pages 131-134 in the course textbook, and respond to the following questions:

Describe what you would do and what you should do in the situation you chose.

Are the behaviors you would do and should do always the same? o If they were different, what caused the difference? o If they are the same, what contributed to the similarities?

Identify standards or values you used as your criteria to make a decision. Your response should be at least one page in length. To complete this assignment, a minimum one (1) reputable source (such as the course textbook) must be cited and referenced in APA style to support your own ideas.

Course Textbook:

Shockley-Zalabak, P. S. (2015). Fundamentals of organizational communication: Knowledge, sensitivity, skills, values (9th ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson.

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English: Explain how code can affect communication
Reference No:- TGS01803681

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