
Explain how biological and environmental factors can shape

Watch one of the following movies:

-A Beautiful Mind (2001)
-Good Will Hunting (1997)
-Peaceful Warrior (2006)
-Rain Man (1988)
-Girl Interrupted
-One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest

Using the main characters in the movie you chose, answer the following questions:

Identify the movie you are using to incorperate examples in your answer

• Define cognition and provide a description of the cognitive processes.

• What is the relationship between cognition and personality development?

• Explain how biological and environmental factors can shape our cognitive processes.

• How do parents influence a child's personality according to each theory: evolutionary, biological/genetic, and behavioral?

• How does self-efficacy relate to personality?

• What "nature" and "nurture" factors contribute to one's self-efficacy?

Apply APA formatting and citations. The total amount of pages should be at least 4 pages NOT including Title page and Reference page

Include an introduction and conclusion. Make sure you are using Friedman, Howard S., Schustack, M. W. (2013). Personality: Classic Theories and Modern Research as one of your references as well as 3 additional outside resources.

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Dissertation: Explain how biological and environmental factors can shape
Reference No:- TGS01374678

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