Assessment 4
Write a research paper in which you address the compensation and benefits of a selected organization, based on information you have gathered and analyzed about the organization.
• Choose an organization to use for this assessment. It can be where you are currently employed or a company with which you are familiar. It must be an organization that is researchable, as you will need to gather and analyze information in order to complete the assessment. You may use the same organization for the other assessments in this course.
• If you choose the organization where you are currently employed, please keep in mind that the analyses you make must be based on facts that can be documented rather than your personal opinion as an employee.
• Research the compensation and benefits of your selected organization. These topics are fluid and ever-changing, and a very good resource of information for these topics is the Capella library. Please search for sources published within the last 1-2 years for your assessment as you describe the compensation and benefits programs your chosen organization offers.
• Describe the formal pay structure within the organization.
• Describe any benchmarking activities the organization undertakes, including information on whether the organization offers a competitive compensation structure or incentives.
• Describe any profit sharing or stock ownership programs that are available.
• Explain which benefits offered by the organization are legally mandated and which are voluntary.
• Analyze the cost of the benefits to the organization.
• Explain how benefits are communicated to employees.
• Analyze the environmental factors that have influenced the compensation and benefits of the organization.
• Describe any problems associated with the compensation policies of the organization.
• Analyze any current issues related to compensation and benefits faced by the organization.