
Explain how a voltage is induced in the secondary winding

1 Name the principal parts of a transformer.

2 Explain how a voltage is induced in the secondary winding of a transformer.

3 The secondary winding of a transformer has twice as many turns as the primary. Is the secondary voltage higher ur lower than the primary voltage?

4 Which winding is connected to the load, the primary or secondary?

5 State the voltage and current relationships between the primary and secondary wind¬ings of a transformer under load. The pri¬mary and secondary windings have N1 and N2 turns, respectively.

6 Name the losses produced in a transformer.

7 What purpose does the no-load current of a transformer serve?

8 Name three conditions that must be met in order to connect two transformers in parallel.

9 What is the purpose of taps on a transformer?

10 Name three methods used to cool trans-formers.

11 The primary of a transformer is connected to a 600 V, 60 Hz source. If the primary has 1200 turns and the secondary has 240, calculate the secondary voltage. )

12 The windings of a transformer respectively have 300 and 7500 turns. If the low-voltage winding is excited by a 2400 V source, calculat, the yoltaac across the HV winding.

13 A 6.9 kV transmission line is connected to a transformer having 1500 turns on the pri-mary and 24 turns on the secondary. If the load across the secondary has an imped¬ance of 5 SI, calculate the following:

a. The secondary voltage
b. The primary and secondary currents 0,35

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Electrical Engineering: Explain how a voltage is induced in the secondary winding
Reference No:- TGS0762859

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