
Explain how a phenotype and a genotype are different does

Please answer the following questions in a 200-word response minimum. Try your best to reference the text I will message you privately for how to access the text book.

1. Describe the events that occur in the G1 (Gap1), S and G2 (Gap2) phases of the cell cycle.

2. Two concepts to understand for this week are phenotype and genotype. They are interrelated and comprehending their differences is important.

Explain how a phenotype and a genotype are different. Does knowledge of an organism's phenotype always allow a scientist to determine an organism's genotype?

3. Read the following article: State an opinion related to the biological findings in the article and how they may be important to note for real life situations, and or uses.

Article: https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2009/01/090118200632.htm

4. Read the following article: State an opinion related to the biological findings in the article and how they may be important to note for real life situations, and or uses.

Article: https://www.sciencenews.org/article/seeking-genetic-fate

5. Read the following article: State an opinion related to the biological findings in the article and what you took away from the meaning and understand of the findings listed.

Article: https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/a-patchwork-mind/

6. Speak on behalf of Epigenetics based on the animation found in the article located in the link below. Explain epigenetics as well as present its importance.

Link: https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/epigenetics-explained/

Please participate (respond) to the classmate's answers with POSITIVE notable and educational input. (200 word minimum Reponses)

1. Jeff: The cell cycle basically consist of two main stages, the interphase and the mitotic phase. The interphase last much longer than the mitotic phase and consists of several sub phases including the G1 phase, the S Phase and the G2 Phase (Reece, Taylor, Simon, &Dickey, 2012, ). At a very high level the G1 phase consists of growth, the S phase consists of copying chromosomes, and the G2 phase consists of more growth (Reece, Taylor, Simon, &Dickey, 2012, ). The G1 phase mostly entails a large amount of growth, an increase in cell size and production of new proteins and organelles. The G1 phase would start immediately after the previous cell division. The S Phase is when DNA synthesis or DNA replication occurs inside of the nucleus. During the G2 Phase the cell has further growth and increase in size as it prepares for cell division. (Reece, Taylor, Simon, &Dickey, 2012, ).

Reece, J.B., Taylor, M.R., Simon, E.J., & Dickey, J.L. (2012). Campbell biology:
concepts and connections (7th ed.).Retrieved from The University of Phoenix
eBook Collections.

2. Jeff: A phenotype is an organism's physical traits while a genotype is the organism's genetic makeup. An example of genotype would be a person's DNA or susceptibility to disease and an example of a phenotype would be a person's eye color, hair color and build. Phenotypes can easily be determined by observation of an organism while genotypes require genotyping (Reece, Taylor, Simon, &Dickey, 2012, ). Genotypes contain all of the hereditary information of an individual while phenotypes just show expressed genes. Many times an organisms genotype will correspond with the physical characteristics it has or its phenol type, however, these two do not always correspond (Reece, Taylor, Simon, &Dickey, 2012, ). In some cases such as colorblindness, a female could have a genotype that has one X chromosome marked for colorblindness. However this female may not be colorblind and just carry this gene recessively. When scientist has knowledge of an organisms phenotype it may not allow them to also determine an organism's genotype based on the selective expression of each gene in the phenotype.

Reece, J.B., Taylor, M.R., Simon, E.J., & Dickey, J.L. (2012). Campbell biology:
concepts and connections (7th ed.).Retrieved from The University of Phoenix
eBook Collections.

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