
Explain how a marketer can classify a product


1.Databases are an excellent tool for effectively using customer relationship marketing (CRM), but there are three problems assocated with the use of databases that may cause companies to think twice before using them. Discuess the reasons why companies may not want to use databases in their CRM programs.

2.There are six major forces in the global macro environment that a marketer should be aware of.

3.Identify how each could affect the marketing programs of BALL CORP. a manufacture of aluminum cans?

4. Two brothers own a company that make battery-operated paint sprayers. One brother is convinced paint sprayers are in the maturity stage of the product life cycle (PLC) and wants to implement strategies that will stimulate sales. The other brother is critical of the whole PLC concept. Over the years, as more competitors entered the market and their profits shrunk, they have debated the PLC concept. Why would one brother be so in favor of the PLC concept and one be so opposed to it? What would you advised they do - and why?

5. Explain how a marketer can classify a product according to durability and tangibility, what marketing strategies do these classifications call for? Provide examples from both the consumer market and industrial market.

6. There are certain areas of Los Angeles that are so rough that Domino's, Pizza Hut, and many other restaurant chains will not deliver to them. Musselheads Restaurant Delivery and Catering Service will! With a bank of phone and two carefree drivers, the company picks up at the restaurant of your choice and delivers to your doorstep. Its driver use late-model inconspicuous used cars. Musselheads run a tab at the restaurants and pays weekly for food picked up by its drivers. Customers are charged a $3 delivery price on $10 minimum orders. Drivers hand out flyers with the Musselheads logo and the names of participating restaurants. Each driver also has the menu from those restaurants. Discuss Musselheads in terms of the three "Ps" of service marketing

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Microeconomics: Explain how a marketer can classify a product
Reference No:- TGS01856541

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