
Explain his reasoning for the moratorium


I. Provide at least three issues that arise when women are incarcerated. Give a description of each one.

II. Locate a female prison within your state. Visit their web site along with the web site of another all male or coed prison. Compare and contrast the web sites depictions of the prisons. Does there appear to be any differences?

III. Your textbook - Clear, T., Cole, G. & Reisig, M. (2022). American corrections. 13th Ed. Belmont, CA: Cengage Learning. ISBN 13: 9780357456538 - discusses various juvenile sanctions. Please discuss each of these sanctions and describe why you think each sanction is effective or ineffective. After discussing each sanction, please relate your answer to one of Saint Leo's core values and explain why you have chosen this core value to represent this topic.

IV. Illinois Governor George Ryan, a longtime supporter of the death penalty, called for a moratorium on executions in his state. Explain his reasoning for the moratorium. Do you believe his new standard for future authorizations of executions is reasonable? Why or why not?

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