
Explain-god image in human beings

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I agree with Dr. Jenkins that addiction disfigures God's image in human beings and that it crashes with dedication in a person. God created human beings in his own likeness meaning that he wanted people to live a moral life while praising him and reading the Bible to get knowledge (Block, 2012). Therefore, when a person is addicted to something such as alcohol, this signifies that God can do such a thing. However, this is not true because the Bible teaches that God is a holy being who does superior things rather than unacceptable obsessions.

Addiction also crashes with a person's dedication to their faith. Dedication is an act of devoting oneself to doing a certain thing. For example, when individuals are dedicated to a certain faith, they spend their time learning more about that belief and acting according to its teachings (Block, 2012). However, when a person is addicted to things such as sex and alcohol, that person spends most of the time thinking about the addiction and even doing it. Such individuals leave little or no time to dedicate themselves to the teachings of their faith.

I also agree with Dr. Jenkins statement that some individuals struggle with addictions. This is because human beings are different and they adapt to change differently. Some people may be quick to switch from one behavior to another while others are slow.

The effect of Dr. Jenkins argument to a counselor is that it may increase one's popularity or affect it negatively. This is because some believers argue that addiction is acceptable when it involves acceptable things such as helping others. However, those who agree with the argument may seek further help from the counselor so that they can change their ways (Block, 2012).

Reference:Block, T. (2012). A Fatal Addiction: War in the Name of God. New York: Algora Pub.



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