Explain the steps on how to solve the problem below:
Express the 2nd order ODE
dt2 u=d2 u/dt2 =sin?(u)+cos?(ωt) ω ∈ Z/{0}
as a system of 1st order ODEs and verify that there exists a global solution by invoking the global existence and uniqueness Theorem.
Useful information:
Global existence and uniqueness Theorem:
The ordinary differential equation
dtu–=f–(t,u– (t))
has a unique solution if f–∈C0 (I)×Lipschitz(L∞ (R)), f is continuous with respect to 1st variable and Lipschitz with respect to 2nd variable.
Lipschitz Continuity: A function g:I→R is Lipschitz continuous if ∃Λ>0 such that ||g(x–)-g(y–)||≤Λ||x–y–||∀x–,y–∈I.
NB: means vector value.