
explain functional properties of gellan gumsone

Explain functional properties of gellan gums

One of the most important features of gellan gums is its versatile texture which is defined in terms of hardness (measure of rupture strength), modulus (measure of gel firmness), brittleness (strain required to break the gel) and elasticity (measure of rubberiness).

Gellan gels can be formulated to set with or without heating.  The melting point can be either below or above 100oC, allowing the design and production of both heat resistant gels and gels that should liquify during processing. At 15% sugar content gellan gum gels are crystal clear. Gellan can be easily  and fully dissolved in water without any preparatory steps.

Gellan can be easily combined with other gums/polymers, for example, gelations gels, which have pleasant organoleptic qualities but low melting point, can be stabilized satisfactorily when gellan is added to the mixture.


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Biology: explain functional properties of gellan gumsone
Reference No:- TGS0310152

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