AM is an active 41 year old who is a former collegiate gymnast, she loves coaching in gymnastic camps throughout the year. During the last camp of summer, AM was teaching landing techniques from the uneven bars. on dismount AM, fell awkwardly to the ground hearing and feeling a pop, in her ankle, she noticed immediate swelling and a deformity to her right ankle. due to the inability to bear weight on her leg, AM presented to the emergency and underwent radiography and was found to have a right distal tibia fracture, AM was placed into a splint with instructions to follow up in your clinic for further treatment. v/s bp 134/80, HR, 92, T98.7, vitamin D level, 9. Explain fracture healing pathophysiology and how it relates to the fracture Alexa sustained. Based on Vitamin D level obtained describe the interaction of hormones in bone formation and metabolism. Provide 3 teaching points.