
Explain flooding, which is another form of exposure therapy

Question I

One of the therapeutic goals of Freud's Psychoanalytic Therapy is to strengthen a person's ego.

i. Describe the characteristics of the ego.

ii. Describe the characteristics of the superego.

Question II

i. Explain Flooding, which is another form of exposure therapy.

ii. Discuss one similarity and one difference between Imaginal Flooding and Systematic Desensitisation.

Question III

"Most approaches share common grounds in accepting the importance of the therapeutic relationship" (Corey, 2017, p. 440). However, there seems to be distinct differences between how Psychoanalytic Therapy and Person-Centred Therapy view the therapist- client relationship. Examine these differences.

Question IV

i. Explain and illustrate with examples, three types of extreme beliefs that may be derived from one's irrational rigid beliefs.

ii. Explain and illustrate with examples, three types of non-extreme beliefs that may be derived from one's rational flexible beliefs.

Question V

Explain three strengths and two shortcomings of Person-Centered Therapy.

Question VI

Counsellors should utilise the Cognitive-Behavioural Therapy (CBT) Approach in their practice as often as they can because this approach does not have many shortcomings from a multi-cultural perspective. Present five arguments to dispute the above-mentioned notion

Question VII

Counsellors do not need counselling theories. They just need life experience and on-the- job training.Present five arguments why counselors need counselling theories.

Question VIII

i. Explain Freud's views of human nature in his Psychoanalytic Therapy approach.

ii. Describe the Free Association technique, and explain how the use of this technique is consistent with Freud's view of human nature.

Question IX

Mr Lim, aged 40, has just completed a five-day course on how to invest by trading in the Stock Exchange market about six months ago.

For the past six months, Mr Lim finds that whenever he is not able to get returns from his investments in the Stock Exchange market, he will feel very angry, and he will lose his temper on his wife by using vulgarities on her.

i. Suppose you are Mr Lim's counsellor; using the Rational-Emotive Behaviour Therapy (REBT) approach, present a hypothesis of a possible irrational belief Mr Lim is having that is influencing his unhealthy feeling and behaviour towards Mrs Lim.

ii. Develop a rational version of the above mentioned possible irrational belief.

iii. Suppose you are helping Mr Lim to apply the Rational Portfolio technique to weaken his irrational belief and strengthen his rational belief; assist Mr. Lim to develop three arguments that are against the above mentioned irrational belief and three arguments that support the above mentioned rational belief.

iv. Suppose you are helping Mr Lim to apply the Devil's Advocate Disputing technique to help weaken his irrational belief and strengthen his rational belief; illustrate with a transcript how you would apply the steps of this technique with Mr Lim to achieve this aim. Your transcript needs to contain two rounds of disputing.

v. Illustrate with a transcript how you would apply the steps of the Rational-Emotive Imagery (REI) technique to help Mr Lim strengthen the abovementioned rational belief.

Question X

A manager from one of the leading childcare centres approached you to deliver a talk to a group of parents on how to use Operant Conditioning concepts and techniquesin the area of parenting their children.

i. Explain and illustrate the techniques of Reinforcements and Punishments according to Operant Conditioning. Adapt the illustrations to the theme of parenting primary school children.

ii. Explain six key reasons why Social Skills Training is a helpful way of equipping children to interact more effectively in social situations.

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