
Explain external environmental scanfive forces analysis

Assignment: Discussion-Supply Chain

Understanding supply chain and how the consumer can play a critical role in the supply chain is an important part of developing and implementing a strategy. In this assignment you will explore the concept of the supply chain in business and the role of the customer in the supply chain.

There are many products and services today where the target customer is part of the supply chain. Wikipedia, Mary Kay Cosmetics, and Craig's List are just a few examples.

Using the module readings, University online library resources, and the Internet, respond to the following:

• Give an example of a product or service where the target customer is part of the supply chain.
• Describe the types of innovations or improvements that have come from involving the target customer in the supply chain.
• Describe the types of information technology mechanisms that have been used to involve the customer in the supply chain.

Write your initial response in approximately 400 words. Apply APA standards to citation of sources.

Post your response to the appropriate Discussion Area.

Assignment 2: LASA 1-Preliminary Strategic Audit

The end result of this course is developing a strategic audit. In this module you will outline and draft a preliminary framework for your final product. This provides the student with the opportunity to get feedback before a final submission.

By now you have completed the following steps:

• Identified the organization for your report
• Interviewed key mid-level and senior level managers
• Created a market position analysis
• Conducted an external environmental scan in preparation of your final report and presentation

In this assignment, you will generate a preliminary strategy audit in preparation for your final course project.


1. In preparation for your course project, prepare the preliminary strategy audit using the tools and framework you have focused on so far including:

1. Analysis of the company value proposition, market position, and competitive advantage

2. External environmental scan/five forces analysis

2. Identify the most important (5-7) strategic issues facing the organization or business unit.


1. You may modify the strategic issues in your final report based on the additional analysis you will conduct in the next two modules as well as the feedback you receive on this paper from your instructor.

2. Keep in mind it is important to look at the strategic issue(s) from more than just one perspective in the business unit or company-speak to or research the issue from more than one angle to offer a 360° approach that doesn't cause more problems/issues.

3. Strategic issues arise from a mismatch between internal capabilities and external trends such that important opportunities are not being pursued or significant external threats are not being addressed under the current strategy.

3. Include a preliminary set of recommended tactics for improving your company's strategic alignment and operating performance.


1. You may modify these recommendations in your final report based on the additional analysis you will conduct in the next two modules as well as the feedback you receive on this paper from your instructor.

2. Keep in mind that recommendations can include but are not limited to tactics in marketing, branding, alliances, mergers/acquisitions, integration, product development, diversification or divestiture, and globalization. If you recommend your company to go global, you must include a supply chain analysis and an analysis of your firm's global capabilities.

4. Write your report as though you are a consultant to your company and are addressing the executive officers of this company.

5. Make sure your writing is clear, concise, and in an organized manner; demonstrates ethical scholarship in accurate representation and attribution of sources; and displays accurate spelling, grammar, and punctuation.

Write an 8 pages report as though you are a consultant to your company and are addressing the executive officers of this company in Word format.

Use the following format:

• Cover page
• Executive Summary / Abstract
• Table of Contents
• Introduction to Company (each subsection should be an assessment)
• Value proposition
• Market position
• Competitive advantage
• External Environmental Scan/Five Forces Analysis
• Current environment
• Assessment of external factors applying five forces
• Strategic Issues
• Label each issue and provide a header and the reason for why it is an issue
• Summary / Key Findings and Recommendations

Apply APA standards to citation of sources.

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Supply Chain Management: Explain external environmental scanfive forces analysis
Reference No:- TGS02311016

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