
explain explanatory notes on comparison of rs232c

Explain explanatory notes on comparison of RS232C and RS422A standards.

Comparison of RS232C and RS422A standards:


1. Standard explained for asynchronous communications, when there is given timing among data bits and no fixed timing among the characters which the bits form.

2. This standard explained 25 signal lines and 50ft is the maximum guaranteed that distance.

3. It standard gives a serial system with only a single wire for all directions.

 4.  Signal levels are as: -25 to -3V and +3 to +25V.


1. Date Rate is 10 M bits per second 

2. Driving capability up to 4000ft and 10 receivers

3. This is Differential standard that is each signal is represented through a pair of wires and voltage difference across these wires is that is sensed at the receiver.

It minimizes the effect of ground noise or the voltage drop beside the signal leads.

4. Signal levels are as -2 to -6V and +2 to +6V

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Electrical Engineering: explain explanatory notes on comparison of rs232c
Reference No:- TGS0288664

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