Assignment task: Using the "Ethical Standards for Human Service Professionals" standards and incorporating the Ten Reasoned Steps to Resolving Dilemmas and answer the questions to the following issue.
"You are having lunch where many of the office staff eat, and you overhear two associates from your department talking about a high-profile contractor. You are stunned because you were told on your first day that the company's policy is no out-of-office discussion about the business of the corporation. You realize that policies are being violated, but you are not sure what to do about it. You have your mid-internship evaluation the following week and don't want to bring attention to yourself. One of the two associates you overheard holding this conversation is your site supervisor."
- What is the best course of action to take?
- Why?
- How would you implement this decision? (ie - notify the authorities, notify your supervisor, make a report to a Protective Agency/Human Resources etc.)
- How could you assess whether or not your decision is the correct one?