Problem: Can you please help to write an essay with a thesis explaining Erving Goffman's dramaturgical approach to the study of social life? Can you define the key vocabulary employed by Goffman? Connect this approach to the contemporary world embodied by mediated expressions of the self (e.g., text messaging, Facebook, etc.). How do these new technologies confirm or alter Goffman's approach?
1. Dramaturgical loyalty
2. Dramaturgical discipline
3. Dramaturgical circumspection
4. Avoidance rituals
5. Presentational rituals
6. Felicity's condition
7. Front stage/ backstage
8. Discredited stigma/ discreditable stigma
9. Impression Management
10. Actors and audience
Can you please provide a Works Cited section in ASA format from journals? Can you please list all source references?