
Explain elements of project management and its relationship


Human Resource Management

• Explain the elements of project management and its relationship to human resource management.

• From the elements listed above, rank the elements in order of importance. Justify your rankings.

Project Life Cycle

• Evaluate the importance of understanding the various stages of the project life cycle and its possible contributions to a project.

• Apply the project life cycle to a personal project (formal or informal, past or present) demonstrating the various stages.

"Strategic Planning"

• Assess the merits of this statement by incorporating a specific personal project, formal or informal. "Strategic planning is critical in the overall effectiveness of project management."

• Recall the planning process you used during your project. Propose an alternative approach you could have taken in the planning of your project and the impact it would have made.

Organizational Restructuring

• Imagine you are the CEO of a growing international manufacturing organization in need of corporate restructuring. Select an organizational structure, (functional, matrix, or projectized) and assess the influence on project roles and decisions made in both your home country and overseas.

• Give your opinion on which of the three organizational structures is best designed to succeed in multination firms. Justify your selection

"Project Charter" Please respond to the following:

Dissect the elements of a project charter, explaining the importance of each element. Imagine your manager is putting pressure on you to get a project started and feels the project charter can be developed as the project gets underway. Develop a brief response to his or her request.

"Project Charter Templates"

Research a minimum of two project charter templates from a variety of sources.

• From the e-Activity, evaluate at least two project charter templates and describe what you did or did not like about each. Include the website URL where each template was found. Be sure to discuss what value you think the charter would bring to a project.

• Assess which of the two would be more useful and explain why.

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Other Management: Explain elements of project management and its relationship
Reference No:- TGS01875015

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