Explain ?eld of physical anthropology

Question: The ?eld of physical anthropology, many of its sub?elds (paleoanthropology, forensic anthropology, medical anthropology, etc.) and related disciplines such as human genetics are going through "explosions" in terms of the advancement of our knowledge of these subjects, In fact, it's one of the most exciting areas of research to be in at the moment! For this small assignment, you need to ?nd a recent (< 6 months) article from a reputable news source (if you're not sure, then ask me!) related to any topic we're studying, read it and write a short summary explaining how it relates to our course. Your submissions should be 2-3 pages double spaced, and they need to include the title, author, date and publication of the article (if an online article, be sure to include the URL). Follow other guidelines in the syllabus for written work.

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Other Subject: Explain ?eld of physical anthropology
Reference No:- TGS03417076

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