
Explain each persons relationship to others in the film and


1. Discuss two of the characters and her/his story as it appears in the movie How to Make An American Quilt. Explain each person's relationship to others in the film and give some background of the movie so the reader knows what you are talking about. Write two pages in your bluebook.

2. In A Long Way Gone, Beach's story of loss and redemption, from orphan to fighter to international participant in human rights conferences on child soldiers. How does one become a killer? How does one stop? He found that he was capable of truly terrible acts. How did he learn to forgive himself to regain his humanity and finally to heal?


2A. This is how wars are fought now: by children hopped-up on drugs and wielding AK-47's. Children have become the soldiers of choice. What makes their conscription different from that of drafted American soldiers serving in previous wars?

3. Pick an essay topic, the movie report or the term paper or any other aspect of the class and explain what insights you have gained, what you have learned and what you have enjoyed. Write two pages in your bluebook.

Return the final exam with your bluebook. Please write 2-3 pages on each question, double-spaced and on only one side of the paper.

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Other Subject: Explain each persons relationship to others in the film and
Reference No:- TGS02607360

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