
Explain each of the four bases for segmenting consumer

Choose a business-to-consumer (B2C) or business-to-business (B2B) company that uses target marketing.

Complete the following in the essay of four pages not including the title and reference:

Briefly introduce the company you have chosen.

Gather examples of its activities and products that support its business model.

Remember to properly cite and reference the sources of information you find.

You should have at least two references from business-related or news websites.

Explain each of the four bases for segmenting consumer markets or each of the five bases for segmenting business markets.

In the company you chose, describe which of these bases for segmenting markets is used, and describe how the selected segmenting options are achieved.

Examine how these factors influence the promotional strategies of your chosen company.

All sources used must be referenced; paraphrased and quoted material must have accompanying citations.

Use APA style guidelines for formatting.

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Business Economics: Explain each of the four bases for segmenting consumer
Reference No:- TGS02341723

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