Discuss the below:
Divine Personalities verses material objects, what was God thinking?
Q1: Identify, then lsit reasons for a preference for thinking of the stars, moon, and planets as material objects or as divine personalities.
List of preferences:
1.Galileo's observation via the telescope
Galileo was able to view the moon through a rudimentary telescope in 1609. He was able to identify the surface of the moon having mountains, phases of Venus similar to the moon's, spots on the sun, and the stars on the Milky Way. These discoveries changed the perception and ideas of many individuals eventually leading to proof of the planets, stars, and moon as material objects (McGreal,178).
Q2: Sir Issac Newton's confirmation of the theories of previous scientists regarding matter, inertia, and motion.
Newton was responsible for completing or confirming some of Gaileo's ideas. Newton was able to demonstrate through the Law of Motion how the solar system and stars remain as they do (McGreal,234). They are:
A. Any massive object persists in its stae of rest or of motion unless an external force acts upon it.
B. An external force produces acceleration proportional to that force and inversely proportional to the mass upon which it acts.
C. For every force acting on a body there is an equal and opposite reaction from the body upon its neighbor.