Question: Dissident Ideals of the 1970s
It is eag to assume that Soviet dissidents of the 1970s-as thry critiqued the smug they lived in-minted the USSR to become more like the USA. But this is not neressarig the can. Consider at least three of the four texts we read forApril29 (by Baramk,aia, Solzhenitsyn, Medvede:; and Sakbarov). What sort of world do they want the Soviet Union to become? To what extent dojou think it matches-and to what extent dope think it 4'er:from-the contemporary United States?
Alternate option: If you /like, for this final question, yon may compare dissident visions of the 1970s to nbatyou know about Russia's actual life today.' Now happy womb/ these people be, to trade the USSR for Pufin's Russia?