
Explain different kinds of organizations

Choose the correct answer with a suitable reason:

1. Mark the point of error in the following portion of an outline.

III. Performance Comparisons.

A. Evaluation of Safety Features.

1. Car A Is Best Equipped.

a. All Lacking in Standard Equipment.

2. Acceleration Gives Car C Extra Benefits.

2. Mark the comment that is not true of the typical letter report.

written in personal style

presented on company letterhead

may use either direct or indirect order

limited to a maximum of four pages

3. You have used earnings records to prove that people in a city are much better off economically than people in a rural area. The fallacy in your interpretation is:

illogical cause-effect conclusion.

unreliable data.

unrepresentative data.

oversimplification of the problem.


4. Mark the problem statement that is not worded in one of the three basic forms discussed.

To determine why productivity is declining in Department X.

Why is productivity declining in Department X?

The decline of productivity in Department X.

To determine the causes of the decline of productivity in Department X.

Productivity is declining in Department X and management wants to know why.

5. A researcher can use which three forms to state the problem in a business report?

Infinitive phrase, factor phrase, hypothesis.

Gerund phrase, infinitive phrase, hypothesis.

Infinitive phrase, question, declarative statement.

Declarative statement, hypothesis, noun phrase.

Question, noun phrase, hypothesis.

1. What information might go into routine operational reports for different kinds of organizations? Explain why an organization, or an organization that you work for would need this information regularly?

2. Argue either for or against this statement and be sure to defend your reasoning. "Reports are written for business executives who want them. Thus, you don't have to be concerned about holding your reader's interest."

3.The CEO of a large business organization has asked you and your classmates to review a long, formal report and prepare an executive summary. Some of your classmates are not familiar with an executive summary, and will need to be more knowledgeable to help prepare an executive summary. First, what is an executive summary and what would you include in this summary. Further explain to your classmates, why is an executive summary important to this busy executive? You are encouraged to include a researched source. For example, an article written by John Clayton (2003) entitled Crafting a Powerful Executive Summary, may provide helpful tips. This article can be retrieved from the Harvard Business School Working Knowledge archive at


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Other Management: Explain different kinds of organizations
Reference No:- TGS01851720

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