Question 1: Explain the difference between signs and symptoms of COPD from those of CHF.
Question 2: What side of the heart is most commonly affected in COPD patients that develop CHF?
Question 3: Develop a discharge plan for a patient with COPD
Question 4: Identify medications used for management of chest pain and how each one works (MONA).
Question 5: What assessment data would you evaluate to identify possible causes of pain (include physical exam, history and labs).
Question 6: Explain some causes of chest pain and how to differentiate them (cardiac/respiratory)
Question 7: What nursing interventions may be necessary to implement if the pain is cardiac or respiratory in nature?
Question 8: What is digoxin used to treat?
Question 9: What are the therapeutic levels of digoxin?
Question 10: What is the relationship between digoxin and potassium?