
Explain cultural considerations chelsea must take

Case Scenario: Chelsea and Chen

Chelsea, a 34-year-old white female, moved to Riverbend City five years ago. After she completed her master's internship in school counseling, she took a job as the school counselor in the Riverbend City elementary school system.

She is working with Chen, a nine-year-old girl. When Chen was five, Mr. and Mrs. Clark adopted her through an agency that works in conjunction with Chinese orphanages. Although Chen had been in the orphanage since birth, it took longer to find a family for her because she was born with a cleft palate.

The Clarks could afford and were willing to pay for the surgery to repair Chen's palate. The surgery took place when Chen was six years old. It was hard on Chen to have such a major surgery, but her palate and lip were corrected with a moderate remaining scar.

The Clarks are loving parents, committed to Chen's adjustment and progress, and are cooperating with any recommendations given by professionals. The Clarks have no other children.

Chen is small for her age and is very quiet. She is in the third grade and is a good student. As a reading project, each member of the class had to give a book report in front of the class. Chen read her chosen book and wrote the book report, but refused to stand in front of the class to give the report. When the teacher tried to nudge Chen to give her report, Chen ran out of the room crying.

The teacher was concerned about the incident, Chen's lack of confidence in herself, and her seeming inability to interact with the other children. So she referred Chen to Chelsea.

Consider the individual, family, societal, cultural, and ethical issues that Chelsea must think about as she interacts with Chen, her teacher, and her adoptive parents.

1. Identify and explain Cultural Considerations Chelsea must take into account and a best practice for working with a cultural identity in this case.*-Cite the source.

2. Explain the Psychosocial Development Theory of Eric Erikson related to this case.

3. Explain the Ecological Systems Theory related to this case.

4. Explain the Applied Ethical Principles & Standards Cultural Competency, Hays (2016) ADDRESSING model, Age, Disability born with, Disability acquired, Religion, Ethnicity, Socioeconomic, Sexual orientation, Indigenous status, Nationality, and Gender

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Reference No:- TGS03377255

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