
Explain cultural attitudes in regard to sexual practices

Assignment task:

Many people think that we should celebrate other cultures and ways of life. It is sometimes said that we should not "judge" other points of view. But how far should we take diversity?

According to cultural relativism, the concepts of right and wrong are dependent on one's culture or society. Something that is right in one culture may be wrong in another, and vice versa. There is no "universal" way of looking at things.

The attraction of relativism is in its respect for other ways of life. Instead of saying that there is only one right way of doing things, relativism allows us to accept different points of view as equally valid. However, if taken too far, it could lead to a lack of moral standards. This could lead to a situation where anything goes just because it is part of one's culture. Since morality depends on each culture, we cannot condemn other cultures for practicing their own morality.

Look at other cultures around the world and identify a moral difference between that culture and contemporary American culture (make sure to include a source explaining the cultural difference you identify). Explain whether there is a "right" answer when it comes to this issue and whether one culture can be considered superior or inferior to another. Can we say that a culture is wrong about the way it does things? If so, by what standard? Make sure to justify your answers.

By way of example, you might focus on different cultural attitudes in regard to sexual practices, gender roles, drug use, animals, or norms of respect.

Note: you should focus on moral differences. Do not focus on differences in language, food, sports, or other details that do not pertain to standards of right conduct.

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