
Explain cultivation theory in terms of television viewership


1) Catharsis Theory:

a) Do you think that violence is Cathartic? If so, can you give a specific example where you'veexperienced catharsis through violent media? If you don't think it's cathartic explain why?

b) "When the world pisses you off and you need a place to vent, Quake is a great place for it. Youcan kill somebody and watch the blood run down the walls and it feels good. But when it'sdone, you're rid of it."What is your opinion of the above quote mentioned in the article? Do you agree? Explain

c) How can Catharsis theory relate to media and popular culture? Can you think about an examplein the media where something was indeed "cathartic?"

2) Cultivation theory:

a) Explain the Cultivation Theory in terms of television viewership.

b) According to the article, children listed their chores in terms of gender. Boys do "boy chores"and girls do "girls chores." Do you think that this opinion is solely influenced by television viewing? If not, what might be some other influences?

c) What does the author mean when she says, "The Television is the true "melting pot" of the 21st century?"

d) Can you give an example where the media has "cultivated" you to think a certain way in regards to a something/someone/some place?

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