
Explain communications and media studies

Final project presentation

This is for mass

Communications and media studies. This is an important assignment so please only request to do assignment if you understand it. Thanks
For this assignment, you will create a presentation on the same topic as your final research paper (which is also the same topic as your annotated bibliography). In other words, your job will be to defend or refute the following:

The United Nations should develop, implement and enforce world standards for media freedom (formerly referred to as freedom of speech and press).

Use whatever presentation format works for you -- i.e., podcast, vlog, blog, Prezi, videocast, Animoto, Pinterest board, screencast, infographic, skit/skit script, narrated PowerPoint, unnarrated PowerPoint with Speaker's Notes, text message with multimedia, etc. It should be the equivalent of at least 3-5 minutes in length.

Since this is an online class, and you have been assigned to complete an individualpresentation as a final project, please post it as an attachment to a reply for the appropriate Week 8 discussion, which I have opened up.

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Marketing Management: Explain communications and media studies
Reference No:- TGS01754869

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