
Explain-collaboration and cooperation is a key to leadership

Assignment: Leadership - General Patton

After a review of the below principles that guided Gen. Patton throughout his storied career which principles do you believe are valid for today's leaders and which one(s) do you see in your own leadership kit bag - Gen. Patton's leadership style varied at times and he could be considered the autocratic / hardnosed type with an orientation towards strong discipline; however he seemed to also use a situation leadership style. Lastly we know Gen. Patton was strong physically, emotionally, and mentally; however he also had a strong spiritual life (he read the Bible everyday).

The list is long - just pick a couple and expand your reflection on why you would follow Gen. Patton and how his principles are or are not reverent for today's leaders............

1. Principles of Command:

Establish a Command Presence

Use Your People - Delegate

Require Accountability

Reprimand When Required

Say What You Mean

Always Be Alert for Trouble - Anticipate

Anyone Who Thinks They Are Indispensable Ain't

2. Principles of Management:

Get the Facts, When Making Decisions

Use the Input From Your People

Utilize Participative Management

Priories Must Be Established

Always Prepare Alternative Plans

Manage By Walking Around

Use Consensus if Possible

Timing is Very Important

Keep Lines of Communications Open

Select Your Leaders From Accomplishments Not Affection

When Responsibility Is Given So Must Authority

3. Principles for Life:

Stay Physically Fit

Keep the Mind Active

The Mind Can Control the Body

Maintain A Strong Code of Honor

High Integrity

Always Tell the Truth

Strong Spiritual Character

Study the Bible

Don't Judge Others

Keep The Golden Rule

4. Principles for Success:

Have Pride in Appearance

Study and Prepare

Training is Very Important

Show Dependability

Use Visualizations

Establish a Positive Mind Set

Have Strong Determination

Keep an Attitude of Optimism

Be Confident

Always Keep Something In Reserve

5. Principles for Leadership:

Use Active Listening

Develop Your People

Develop Trust and Cooperation

Respect Others

Use Positive Motivation

Empathize With Your People

Develop a Win/Win Attitude

Be a Role Model for Your People

High Integrity is Necessary

Be Flexible in Your Approach

Encourage Your People

Develop an Effective Conflict Resolution Technique

Collaboration and Cooperation is a Key to Leadership

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History: Explain-collaboration and cooperation is a key to leadership
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