
Explain cognitive work analysis and describe how you could

1. a. Summarize the "human factors" aspects of your expected (or preliminary poster of) smart service system design semester project. Include at least three. Briefly define these in context of capabilities and limitations of people, as well as intended service and benefit to be provided.

b. Briefly explain "heuristic evaluation" and consider how this could be used to gain insight into (analyze) a computer-based prototype.

2.a. Explain "hierarchical task analysis" and describe how you could incorporate this into the analysis of a project-related prototype.

b. Briefly explain how you would interpret and integrate results from the analysis of a prototype into design or re-design of an existing one.

3.  a. Explain "cognitive work analysis" and describe how you could incorporate this into the analysis of project prototype.

b. Show how you would interpret the results of the analysis. Briefly explain your ‘task scenario' to give additional insight or illustration.

4. a. Explain a person's "situation awareness" in the context of your smart service system design.

b. Describe how you could incorporate this into the analysis of project prototype. Briefly explain how you would interpret the results of the analysis.

5. a. Briefly explain a GOMS Model (Goals, Operators, Methods and Selection Rules).

b. Then consider a well known case: "Project Ernestine". Consider the results of that project analysis. Tell whether the new system was adopted and briefly explain why. (hint: originally reported by Wayne Gray; c. Was Wayne Gray the originator or the GOMS model? If not, who is credited with developing the GOMS method?
Additional notes: a. You can write up to 5 pages (single spaced, 12 point font, no appendices, include your name on top of p.1). Please submit your exam document in the link for mid-term exam 2 in Blackboard.

b. Hint: when defining terms, you may refer to Human-Computer Interaction International (books by Springer 2015) used during lab 1, or Handbook of Human factors and Ergonomics (G. Salvendy, Editor, Wiley, 2012: individual chapters are available in Purdue Libraries as Electronic Book); An example is "Task Analysis: Why, What & How" by Erik Hollnagel. Other authoritative sources can also be acceptable.

c. Include formatted references and page numbers of the references used within the answer to each question. References are expected to be different for each question. Deductions will be made wherever TAs and I can not identify where your answers are derived from (eg. Including project title, source of information, formatted references (with a Chicago Style citation; be sure to include page number(s)).

d. The exam is intended to be done individually. Though there may be some discussion among team members to clarify issues about the assignment in the context of the project, clarifications may also be done in cooperation with TAs or Prof. Duffy.

e. Keep in mind, as an independent assignment, no two students should have the same description. The written document will be analyzed by an authentication software "Safe Assign" within Blackboard before grading.

f. The exam is intended to take up to 3 hours. If it begins to take substantially longer, please contact me in advance of finishing it for guidance in assisting with efficiencies of completion of this exam/assignment. If it ultimately takes substantially longer than 3 hours, please include a note in your exam and tell how long it took

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Science: Explain cognitive work analysis and describe how you could
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