Question 1 Explain Porter's Three Generic Strategies
Question 2 Describe Porter's Value Chain Analysis
Question 3 Explain the role of a Business Analyst.
Question 4 List and describe the six-step decision-making process
Question 5 List the four quantitative models that are identified as support systems for managers and briefly describe each one. Provide an example of each for the company you have selected to work with in this class.
Question 6 Reflect on the meaning of business process re-engineering.Write a definition of BPR. Briefly describe a process from the company you are working with in this course. Create a bulleted list of the process as it is today and then created another bulleted list of what it will be like after you have performed the BPR analysis for that process.
Question 7 What are three primary information technology security areas? Create a scenario describing a threat and the company's response to each security area.
Question 8 Explain the difference between privacy and confidentiality. Reflect on security policies for companies that you have worked for or look it up on the internet. Document the policy and write a one or two paragraph scenario where the policy is violated and how the company responds using its strategic plan.
Question 9 What are the basic information systems plans? Define the purpose of each and provide an example of how it would be used.
Question 10 Explain cloud computing. Reflect on why a small business would consider using the cloud. What are three types of services being offered as cloud services?