
Explain-climate change awareness through technology


Post here the first 1 to 3 paragraphs of your longer paper. Then, reply to a classmate with feedback. What works so far (creative and clear title? opening sentence engaging? main idea or thesis clear? overall use of language, grammar, spelling, etc. effective?).

School Project Ideas

Concerning the school project, which is aimed to take place during the year. Some of the ideas that I think might work about the related environmental strategy include Agricultural science fair projects and climate change awareness through technology, by possibly creating an app.

The Agricultural Science Fair

With regards to the agricultural science fair, since the project base is Florida, it should cover some of the pros and cons of genetically modified foods, which are found in plenty within every household. It would also need to cover aspects that surround the agricultural world, and the questions that should serve the people should include if the world can benefit more from the organically produced foods. It should also look to explain why some people go for the genetically modified foods, and this will in term help the participating teams not only learn but also change the different ways individuals view the organically produced foods about the genetically produced ones. Most importantly look at the environmental benefits of growing foods and the different ways climate change affect the crop yields within Florida.

Climate Change awareness through technology

Since climate change is a very recurrent issue in today's world, it would be significant to incorporate its knowledge through technology. For instance, the app that will be created will help develop a model that helps people identify the greenhouse effect, issuing the different ways one can tell through the human activities undertaken within the region. Also, the app can assist in determining how climate change influences the habitats and subsequently the migration patterns of different individuals. It should also aim at explaining the consequences of specific climate changes, and this acts explicitly to warn people on various climate changes and what to do to prepare.

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Other Subject: Explain-climate change awareness through technology
Reference No:- TGS02017856

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