
Explain-christ died only for the elect or for all people

Address the following questions:

1. The Substitution Theory of Atonement emphasizes both the righteousness and love of God. Explain how this is true.

2. Some people object to the Substitution Theory of the Atonement believing that it foolishly promotes an evil God who vindictively punishes an innocent person for the sins of the guilty. After reading 1 Cor 1:21-25 and 1 Cor 2:14, explain how these passages help us to understand this objection?

3. The book of Isaiah was written 700 years before Christ's birth. We have extant copies of Isaiah among the Dead Sea Scrolls that date back 150 years before Christ. Therefore, no one can claim that Isa.53 was written after the fact. How can you use the detailed description of the Atonement given here by Isaiah as a defense for the Christian message?

4. One objection to the Substitution theory of the Atonement is that Christ took our exact penalty, why isn't He in Hell for all eternity. Discuss this objection.

5. While the presentation of the Gospel called "THE OFFER" accurately illustrates the Substitution Theory of the Atonement in many ways, it also falls short as all illustrations eventually do. Discuss how the courtroom illustration breaks down.

6. Do you believe that Christ died only for the elect or for all people? Explain your response.

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Other Subject: Explain-christ died only for the elect or for all people
Reference No:- TGS01913701

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