
explain characteristics that make breastfeeding

Explain characteristics that make breastfeeding beneficial to the infant?

We have listed some characteristics that make breastfeeding beneficial to the infant:

• Mature milk contains about 1/3rd the protein found in cow's milk - more than 25% of its nitrogen is non-protein nitrogen. The concentration of casein to whey protein is lower; 1.5 for breast milk and 0.2 for cow's milk. Thus human milk with its low casein content forms a flocculent suspension with a curd tension of 0. These curds are easily digested and hence better tolerated by the infant.
• Lactoferrin in human milk inhibits the growth of certain iron-dependent bacteria in the GI tract and therefore affords protection against gastrointestinal infections.
• Presence of phagocytes, lysozymes and lactoperoxidases, afford immunity against harmful microorganisms such as, S. aureus, Candido sp., Salmonella sp.
• Protection from respiratory tract allergy and eczema.
• Immunoglobulin's provide passive immunity and protect against infection by retarding viral and bacterial invasion of the mucosa.
• Brotective effects have been substantiated for necrotizing enterocolitis, acrodermatitis enteropathica, intractable diarrhoea, pathogenic E. coli infection.

• Relatively low in amino acids that are detrimental at high levels. High in amino acids that infant cannot synthesize e.g. cystine and taurine.
• Lipids: lower in foremilk-hind milk has a threefold higher fat content. Higher content of linoleic and oleic acid, cholestero1,'the latter being needed for myelin synthesis.
• Contains lipase which helps in digestion of milk triglycerides and partly accounts for a greater ease in fat digestion of breastfed infants.
• Higher levels of lactose and nitrogen-containing oligosaccharides which have L. Bifid us promoting activity.
• Minerals: As compared to cow's milk, 6-times more phosphorus 4-times more calcium - lower renal solute load - better availability.
• Lower iron content but nearly 50% of iron in human milk is absorbed.
• Levels of water-soluble vitamins likely to reflect internal dietary or supplementary intake.
• Several hormone-like substances and growth factors in human milk.

The significance of human milk in maintaining the health of an infant was highlighted above. However, we all know that in countries like India, the prevalence of Malnutrition is widespread and it can have serious consequences on the health of the mother- and the quantity/quality of milk secreted. Read the subsequent text to learn more on this aspect.

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Biology: explain characteristics that make breastfeeding
Reference No:- TGS0307717

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