
Explain briefly what happens and why

Assume the following:
· I (username sanya) have an account on the same Unix computer as you
· Our accounts belong to different groups
· I want to allow you to access the text for assignment1 (assign1)
· I want to allow you to copy your finished assignments into my directory
· But I don't want you to see anything else in my directory
The diagram below represents part of my directory hierarchy, including the file permissions for
each directory
sanya drwx-----x
sys_admin drwx---r-x
assign1.txt -rwx---r--
students drwx----wx solutions drwx------
sanya.bloggs assign.sol-rwxrwxrwx
Explain briefly what happens and why, if you try to run the following commands. (15 marks)
i. ls -l sanya
ii. cat sanya/phone.book
iii. ls sanya/sys_admin
iv. cat sanya/sys_admin/assign1.txt
v. cat sanya/sys_admin/solutions/assign.sol
vi. chmod o+r sanya/sys_admin/solutions
vii. cp my.assign sanya/sys_admin/assign1.txt 

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Programming Languages: Explain briefly what happens and why
Reference No:- TGS0129297

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